Feeling those Isolation Blues? ExileFM to the rescue...

April 07, 2020 - 9998 views

Just three weeks ago, on what must have been the quietest St Patrick’s Day ever, it occurred to us here at ExileFM that pretty soon a lot of our listeners might well be stuck at home; and as a few of our presenters found themselves in the same situation we thought it might be nice to offer a safe, friendly weekday alternative to total isolation.

DG went live with the first ‘Isolation Blues’ at 3pm that afternoon and a small companionable group of listeners expressed their wholehearted approval of the idea. It was another three days before the government made the lockdown official and halfway through the next week before the audience really took off, which was when Balou offered to extend the afternoon’s live broadcast for another couple of hours on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays – and since last Monday Martin has been ‘Doing Porridge’ weekday mornings between 8 and 10pm.

Our daytime listeners have been described as a captive audience; but hey, an audience without music are just captives! There’s no need to suffer isolation all alone, come and join the warmest friendliest daytime club on the Internet.